Call us today: Glasgow: 01355 573 173 / Milton Keynes: 01925 909 614
CALL US TODAY: 01355 573 173 / 01925 909 614




What is a complaint?

Any of the following are deemed as complaints:

  • An expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service.
  • An allegation that there has been an unacceptable delay in dealing with a matter or about how an individual has been treated by a member of staff.
  • Action or lack of action by Concept Northern affecting an individual or group.
  • An allegation that Concept Northern has failed to observe proper procedures.

Concept Northern is committed to providing services of the highest quality. However things don’t always go according to plan, but by listening to the views of all who use our services, we hope to continually improve our performance.

We aim to ensure that:

  • The procedure for making a complaint is as clear as possible.
  • Your complaint will be taken seriously, in a professional and non-confrontational manner.
  • You will receive an acknowledgment that your complaint has been received the same day.
  • You will be given a full explanation or an apology where Concept Northern is at fault.
  • You will be informed of any action taken to ensure similar problems do not occur again.
  • If there is an apparent delay, you will be kept informed.
  • We will learn from our mistakes, your complaints and use them to improve our services.

How to Make a Complaint


A complaint can be made in writing, e-mail or by telephone using the contact details below:

Concept Northern,
The Wheatsheaf
Speirs Wharf
G4 9TJ

Please mark this for the attention of Julie Smith. Alternatively, you can email or telephone: 01355 573 173. Your complaint will be acknowledged upon receipt.


Please address your complaint to Julie Smith along with your contact details so that a response can be made. You can also select how you would like your response i.e. via telephone, letter or by email. Please make clear the nature of your complaint and provide information as to what took place and when. You will be contacted within 3 working days.


If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, please contact Debbie Roberts (Operation Director). However, please note that all complaints are reviewed by the Operation Director as standard. In addition, you should detail your reasons for being unsatisfied with the original outcome.


Depending on the nature of the complaint, in the event of an impasse being reached, the matter may be referred back to the College or University if applicable. If the problem remains unresolved the matter can then be referred to the Funding Body if applicable.


Complaints will be acknowledged within 3 workings day and aim to be resolved within 7-10 working days.

Recurring Complaint

The same complaint will only be investigated 3 times.